Monday, June 16, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

Stare at the picture for a while, and you'll see it. Your face should be about ten inches from your screen. It will take your eyes about a minute to adjust and see what's wrong. If you concentrate hard enough, you would see it. And be sure to turn up the volume on your speakers.

Do you see it? In this seemingly normal, everyday photograph of a garden, in this picture that looks like something that you'd just snap up one morning with your digital camera, is an anomaly. This hasn't happened anytime before, folks. You'll see it right here. Right now.

Stare closer, you should be able to spot it by now.

Still no?

Okay, this could take awhile, so I'm gonna spill the beans. Go back to the picture, look at it starting from the left hand side. You see a plant, yea? A potted plant, right? Yup. Move your eyes to the thing after it. Another potted plant. Yes? See it? So, from the left you see: a plant, another plant.. AND yet another plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, plant, dog (?), plant, plant.... Dog?! Yes, that is a dog (not a rat), masquerading as a potted plant.

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, first time in the history of all dogkind. A dog (not a mop), who has secret dreams to be a plant in a pot. Turn down the volume of your speakers now, there's nothing there, thank you. And yes, I have completely wasted your time.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sweet young love.

Where is the instamatic where you need it most? Nowhere near reach. But anyway, my mind has taken a still of the sweetest image I've seen in a long while.

Imagine a pretty street block, and down the lower left corner of this imagery is a pretty street lamp on the corner of the sidewalk. The sun has already set and the sky is a pretty shade of dim blue. Right by the unlit street lamp, is a young couple that couldn't have been older than twelve. They were holding hands, possibly talking about sweet nothings. And while I was rudely watching at them from the safety of the bus, they face each other, clasp both hands together, look into each other's eyes and slowly lean closer and kiss sweetly. It wasn't the tongue-inside-your-mouth torrid kiss, nope, it was a kiss made for the movies, the i'm-so-mesmerized-by-you kind of kiss, both of them breaking apart with adoring looks at each other. They kiss again, the second one just as sweet as the first, and break apart with the same adoring look. And then the boy reaches for the girl's hand, and they cross the street together, as if skipping.

It's a scene right out of a movie. I wanted to videotape the entire thing but I guess that would've been a violation of their lovers' rights. Or something. I would've taken a picture of it and would've blurred out the faces, but yea, the camera was in the bag, in it's protective case and by the time I it opened up, the young couple had skipped all the way down to the next, less pretty block. Oh, to be twelve and inlove. ^_^

Okay, i've searched long and hard for a picture that sort of, somehow resembles what I'm trying to describe here, but, no dice. So here's a sweet kiss picture instead.